Can I copy assignments from last year's rankbook to this year?
iTeacher Rankbook. Click on assignment button then click on copy assignments from last year to this year. Be sure to select the course and...
29 Sep, 2010
Can I give a long term substitute teacher access to a teacher’s Gradebook/Rankbook to take attendance, enter assignments, and submit grades?
Q. Can I give a long term substitute teacher access to a teacher’s Gradebook/Rankbook to take attendance, enter...
12 May, 2017
Can I set up my weights and score my assignments using the points system?
Yes, set each category type to a weight of 100% each and then you can give assignments total possible points using straight points.
29 Sep, 2010
How are Rankbook Grades/Averages imported into Grade Headings when submitting grades?
Q. How are Rankbook Grades/Averages imported into Grade Headings when submitting grades
A. Teachers use...
11 Feb, 2015
How are the MidTerm and Final Exam Assignment Grades defined in Rankbook so they will average into the Final Grade?
Q. How are the MidTerm and Final Exam Assignment Grades defined in Rankbook so they will average into the Final Grade?
11 Feb, 2015
How do you set up Gradebook so that co-teachers can both enter assignments and grades for the same course?
Select one of the teachers to be the primary “Gradebook/Rankbook†teacher and use Assign Teacher Access to give the other teacher...
03 Feb, 2016
How to Create a Copy of Gradebook for Future Reference
Q. How does a teacher create a copy of their Gradebook/Rankbook for Record Keeping and Backup?
A. Teachers have the ability to save a...
26 Jan, 2015
I can see my student photos on the Seating Chart, but when I print them they only print red X's. What am I doing wrong?
This is a browser setting in Internet Explorere to enable images from Trusted Sites. To change your browser settings to be able to print images...
29 Sep, 2010
I can't enter a narrative this year; I was able to enter and edit it last year, what is wrong?
Go to grade maintenance and set up the Narrative parameters for this year. Copy what was used last year. This screen has to be set for...
30 Jan, 2012
I keep trying to enter a grade over 100 but keep getting an error message of invalid grade. How do I enter a grade over 100?
Go to Add/Modify Rankbook, click on the Settings Tab. Then click on the link "Click here to define your default grades" and add grades from...
29 Sep, 2010
Is there a way to copy my mid-term or final exam grades from an assignment in Rankbook into the Add/Modify Course Grades screen or do I have to enter them all manually?
There is a new copy function for users on Version 7.0 or higher that includes the ability to select an assignment such as mid-term or final and...
29 Sep, 2010
Is there a way to copy the MidTerm (or Final Exam) Assignment Grade into Add/Modify Course Grades?
Q. Is there a way to copy the MidTerm (or Final Exam) Assignment Grade into Add/Modify Course...
11 Feb, 2015
Is there an easy way to see which teachers are using the iPass rankbook feature without opening up each teacher?
Yes. Go to Administration > Admin View Assignments. Search Assignments by Term, Teacher, Department, Date Range or by # of Assignments.
18 Dec, 2015
Teachers are trying to enter their grades for the first time this year and keep getting an error message "grade not found." What does this mean?
This error message typically means that your grades table was not rolled forward from the previous year. Go to Administration>End of Year...
30 Jan, 2012
We use Microsoft Office 365 Outlook email, what do users have to set up to email from iPASS? (ie. Email Class, email individual parents or students)?
The iPASS user must enter their email Username (email address) and email Password into their My Data > My Preferences > Email Settings....
28 Apr, 2016
Why are teachers getting the message “Cannot set calendar for new school year†when they click on iTeacher > Course List?
The Recommendation Configuration to allow teachers to enter recommendations needs to be set to NO for the new school year. When you rollover to...
05 Apr, 2017
Why are the photos on my Add Modify Narrative Screen showing up as just boxes ?
Go to <System Configuration><Parameter Maintenance>. Application = Team Parameter Group = Page defaults.
Set up two...
13 Jul, 2009
Why are the Rankbook Averages not auto-populating the open Grade Heading column?
There are several reasons this may be occurring. Check the following:
Did you roll the Grade Table over? After rolling the data base you...
16 Oct, 2015
Why does the Gradebook/Rankbook Custom Data field not save when clicking Submit?
To create a new Custom Data field in Gradebook/Rankbook a value must be entered in the first student’s field before you click Submit for...
16 Sep, 2015
Why is there a red exclamation point showing next to a grade on the Add/Modify Course Grades screen?
The red exclamation point is to alert you that the Grade submitted does not match the Rankbook Average. First, confirm that you have the correct...
20 Nov, 2015