Harris School Solutions iPass Resource Center
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document Student Discipline by Race Query
Sample Output:
14 Dec, 2009
document Student Grades All Terms Query
This query will provide you for the selected school a list of all students and the grades for the selected Grade Headings. The report...
23 May, 2017
document Student Voc Tech Show Info Query
Vocational schools will find this query very useful to confirm their data. The query lists Students and their Shop Week, Shop Code and...
14 Nov, 2016
document Students up to 5 Activities Query
Students up to 5 Activites Query
14 Dec, 2009
document Summer Withdrawals Query
The Summer Withdrawals query will give you a report of all students withdrawn with a summer withdrawal date. These students were enrolled...
20 Oct, 2015
document Teacher Biographical Data Query
Query for basic biographical teacher data includes: First, middle, last, department, homeroom, office phone, address, city, state, zip, phone,...
14 Dec, 2009
document Teachers Extra Security Options Query
This query report can help you find which teachers have Extra Security Options selected in their user account. The resulting report gives a...
09 Oct, 2018
document Transfer Students and Where they Went Query
Transfer Students and Where they Went Query
14 Dec, 2009
document Truant Students Query
Truant Students Query
14 Dec, 2009
document Two Term Courses Query
List of courses that meet 2 terms. Course Title, Course Name, Department, Credits, # of Terms, Curriculum Level, Priority, Number of Sections.Sorted...
14 Dec, 2009
document User Type Menus & Tabs Query
This query will provide a report of all User Types with the Menu Names and Tab Displays assigned to the User Type. ...
18 Sep, 2019
document Users Assigned Access to Gradebook/Rankbook Query
List of users that have been assigned access to a teacher's Gradebook/Rankbook with the teacher's name and what access they have been given. ...
14 Aug, 2018
document Users by Type Query
All Users for specific User Type. Specify User Type when executing the Query. The report will include First Name, Last Name, User ID,...
28 Jun, 2016
document Users with User Type Query
All Users with their User Types listed by school. The report will include First Name, Last Name, User ID, Description (User Type), Active...
28 Jun, 2016
document Your Plan for College Course Query
This query contains student data for course information to upload to the MA Your Plan for College.
19 Apr, 2011
document Your Plan for College Sessions Query
Your Plan for College Sessions Query
19 Apr, 2011

Showing: 81-96 of 96    ««