Wednesday's Wisdom Email - February 28, 2018
March 1 SIMS - Recommendations for checking enrollment data
Self-Service Photo Upload System (Hosted sites) - Now available
IMPORTANT: Required changes for Incident Code Mapping (SSDR)
Patch Release 7.0.20180223_sync - Release Notes available with details on minor enhancements, updates & corrections
iPass Tips & Tricks
MA DESE resource for SSDR - SSDR Validation Rules, Error List, and Appendixes
Hiding future schedules from Parents, Students, and Teachers
Upcoming Events and Workshops
Special Option: Day 2 Only of High School Scheduling Workshop (April 3)
Middle School Scheduling Workshop (April 4 and May 23)
Vocations/Technical School User Group Meeting (April 5)
End of Year Workshop (May 24)
State Reporting Workshop in MA and PA (June 5, 6, 7)
Elementary Scheduling Workshop (August 15)