A patch release went out February 11, 2019 (v. 7.0.20190206_sync) with various enhancements, improvements and corrections.
Phase I of the Gender Identification Project for Massachusetts sites: Student screens will now display Gender and Student Counts based on the Gender - DOE009 field (Male, Female Non-Binary).
PIMS for Pennsylvania sites: Ability to override the Staff Student Subtest Report Teacher Percentages and Assessment Tests for specific students/courses.
Extra Security Options: Field added to store 3rd party password for One Roster 1.1 ClassLink Export.
Other Improvements & Corrections Related To: (see attached Release Notes for specifics)
SIF Transmission
Student Recommendations
Student Scheduler and Student Schedules
Mass Update Students
Homeless Reporting
Clever Export
One Roster 1.1 Export
iStaff Attendance List
iHealth BMI Chart
PCL Progress Reports
3rd Party Exports - Dropped Courses
Competency Report Cards - Shading
** Refer to the attached Release Notes for full descriptions of Enhancements and other updates. **