Note: This help guide assumes that courses have been identified in the Course Catalog as Horizontal Avg = Yes and that Grade Headings & Terms are set up properly.
IMPORTANT: Before you use Calculate Horizontal Averages to calculate Grades, be sure to check the following:
Check your Horizontal Averaging Rules.
Horizontal Averaging Rules are used to determine the weight of each Grade Heading when you use iPass to calculate mid-year, YTD or Final Averages. These rules also come into play when calculating the Honor Roll and GPA.
If you changed the number of terms in your school year or added a MidTerm or Final Exam to the mix, you will have to adjust the Horizontal Average Rules to include those grade headings and indicate the percentage needed of each grade heading.
You may change the values in this table before processing either a Horizontal Average calculation, Honor Roll, or a GPA calculation if you want different weighting.
Go to Grading System > Maintenance - Grading > Horizontal Average Rules (This table is not academic year specific).
Use the “Horizontal Average Rules Filters†option to find the specific rules to be reviewed or modified.
To modify a Rule, click on the Rule to open the table, make adjustments, and Submit to record the changes.
Before running GPA, Honor Roll, or Horizontal Averaging, the Horizontal Averages Rules need to be assigned to the course sections.
This can be done individually in the Course Details or globally using Scheduling System > Course Catalog > Assign Average Rules to Sections.
On the Assign Average Rules to Sections screen there is an option for Override = Yes. When set to Yes, the system will look at the Terms selected on the Course Schedule screen for each course section and will assign the corresponding Horizontal Average Rule on the Course Details screen for each section.
NOTE: Do NOT use Assign Average Rules to Sections if you have more than one Horizontal Averaging Rule for the same Term combination. The system will not know which rule to assign. The Horizontal Averaging Rules will need to be assigned manually to each course section.
Ready to Calculate Horizontal Average
Go to Grading System > Averaging & GPA > Calculate Horizontal Avg
School Year: Defaults to current year
Grade Levels: Select if you want to limit the calculation to a specific grade (ie. Grade 12, seniors only)
Horizontal Average: Select the Horizontal Averaging Rule *(Repeat for each Rule as needed to calculate Term, Semester and/or Full Year Courses)
Place Average In: Select the Grade Heading where the calculated grade should be put
Override: Select Yes to replace grades; No to add grades were there are currently none (will not replace grades already submitted/calculated)
Grade: Select Numeric or Alpha (see note below for calculating both)
When you have both Numeric and Alpha Grades to calculate (ie. Pass/Fail):
For Numeric Grades: Run once with Grade = Numeric with Override = Yes.
For Pass/Fail Grades: Run again with Grade = Alpha with Override = No. This will skip over courses that have numeric grades already calculated and only fill in the Pass/Fail Averages. (If Pass/Fail Grades are not calculating, check the Course Catalog set up for the course and the P Grade set up.)