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How do I replace all of my "INC" incomplete grades with an "F" at the end of the year without going to each student individually?

Article ID: 278
Last updated: 30 Jan, 2012
Views: 205
3.Replace a Grade
Use this program to replace a grade code with another.
Academic Year:
Þ      Select the Academic Year you want.
Þ      Select the Term that you want from the pull-down list.
Grade Headings:
Grade Headings for the Term selected will be displayed.
Þ      Select/Highlight the Grade Heading to search for the grade being replaced.
Grade Level:
Þ      Accept the default of all grade levels.
Þ      Select/Highlight one or more Grade Levels to include.
Þ      Enter the Grade code to be replaced. (Example: Inc)
The field cannot be left blank.
Replacement Grade:
Þ      Enter the Replacement Grade. (Example: F)
Student ID:
Þ      Leave the field blank to not filter for individual students.
Þ      Enter one or more ID# for students whose grade needs to be replaced.
Þ    Click  to save your work.
You will get a report of the students affected with their original grade and their replacement grade.
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