Q. Is there a way to copy the MidTerm (or Final Exam) Assignment Grade into Add/Modify Course Grades?
A. YES. Teachers can use the copy icon button on the Add/Modify Course Grades (iTeacher/Rankbook) or My Courses/Submit Course Grades screen (Gradebook).
Step 1: Create and score a MidTerm (of Final) assignment.
Go to < Add/Modify Rankbook > or < My Courses/Gradebook > and create and score a MidTerm (or Final) assignment in the proper term (ie. Q2 or Q4).
Be sure to set up the MidTerm (or Final Exam) Assignment Types in the Averaging section at the bottom of the Course Weights screen first (as outlined above) so that these assignments will not be included in your Term averages. Once the assignments have been created in Rankbook/Gradebook, you can copy the scores into the appropriate grade headings.
Step 2: Copy the MidTerm (or Final) assignment grade in to Grade Heading column.
Click on the copy icon (2 small blue overlapping pages) at the top of the MidTerm (or Final Exam) Grade Heading column.
On the pop-up screen, find the MidTerm assignment under the Assignment section.
Click on MidTerm assignment to copy the grade into the MidTerm Grade Heading column.
Submit to record the grades.