Q. Can I give a long term substitute teacher access to a teacher’s Gradebook/Rankbook to take attendance, enter assignments, and submit grades?
A. Yes. This allows grades to be submitted and maintained in one account for the entire year, which will help when calculating the Final Grade. You can begin the school year with the long term substitute teacher using the on-leave teacher’s Gradebook/Rankbook, grant access for an interim period during the year, or end the year this way.
Create iPass User Account for the long term substitute (LTS) teacher with Teacher privileges.
Set Default School to school where LTS teacher will be working.
Go to < Security System > < Assign Teacher Access >
Search for the name of the LTS teacher.
You can select the access you want to grant: Attendance, Competency, Future Schedules, Grades, Rankbook.
Click on EACH access selection you want to grant, search for the name of the on-leave teacher you would to give them access to, check the box next to their name, and Submit.
When the substitute teacher logs into iPass they need to go to < iTeacher > and select the on-leave teacher’s name in the Teacher drop down box on any of the following screens: Add/Modify Rankbook, Add/Modify Course Grades, Add/Modify Narrative, Add/Modify Competency/Standards, Enter Period Attendance, Course List, and Rankbook Reports screens.
NOTE: The Weights are set up and maintained in the original on-leave teacher’s account only.