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What do I have to do to adjust for the new last day of school? Due to school cancellations my last day of school is now beyond the last day set up on the iPASS school calendar.

Article ID: 501
Last updated: 14 Mar, 2018
Views: 0

Q. Due to school cancellations my last day of school is now beyond the last day set up on the
iPASS school calendar. What do I have to do to adjust for the new last day of school?

A. Add a new day(s) to each school’s calendar.

  • Go to < Attendance System > < Maintenance - Attendance > < Calendar Maintenance >
  • Select the current School Year and click Submit to display the interactive monthly calendar.
  • Click on the date you want to ADD.
  • Set the Day Number and Cycle Day number to the appropriate value and Submit.

NOTE: If a Monday is being added you need to add Saturday and Sunday to the calendar

  • For a weekend day: Click on the Saturday and the Sunday. Check off the box for "Non-Instructional". Submit.

If you add days to your calendar, be sure to adjust the Term End Dates on the Academic Year Settings screen, the EPIMS As-of Date for EOY EPIMS, and the DOE Parameters > Last Transmission Date.

** Refer to the iPass Help > Attendance > Help > Quick Guide: Add Day to School Calendar for more information

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