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How do I transfer a student to another school within the same school district?

Article ID: 511
Last updated: 19 Feb, 2015
Views: 0

The student must be withdrawn from the school they are leaving with an Entry/Withdrawal code of “TRF – Transferred Out - within the District” and then enrolled in the in the new school with an Entry/Withdrawal code of “Re-Enrolled Same District.”  The student maintains an Enrollment Status of “01 – Enrolled” even in the withdrawal record.

Step 1: Withdraw them from the school they are leaving:

  1. Create a NEW withdrawal record at the school they are transferring FROM (leaving)
  2. Set the Entry/Withdrawal Date to be the FIRST SCHOOL DAY AFTER the student's last day of attendance at that school they are leaving. This is done to insure the last day in attendance is counted for the student.  Note, if Friday is the last day in attendance, Monday would be the withdrawal date. 
  3. Set Entry/Withdrawal Code = TRF - Transferred Out - within the District
  4. Set Reporting Reason (DOE011) = same as previous enrollment record
  5. Set Enrollment Status = 01 - Enrolled
  6. Set Enrollment Reason = same as previous enrollment record
  7. Submit

Step 2: Enroll them in the school they are going to:

  1. Create a NEW enrollment record at the school they are transferring TO (entering) *(make sure you have the correct school selected)
  2. Set the Entry/Withdrawal Date to be the SAME day as the Withdrawal date
  3. Set Entry/Withdrawal Code = Re-Enrolled - Same District
  4. Set Reporting Reason (DOE011) = appropriate code for school placement (ie. $ responsible Yes/Not? In/Out of district? Consult SIMS Handbook)
  5. Set Enrollment Status = 01 - Enrolled
  6. Set Enrollment Reason = appropriate code for student status (ie. Tuitioned out? School Choice? Consult SIMS Handbook)
  7. If this is an Out of District school, enter the School Id#
  8. Submit
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