There are several things that have to be done prior to graduating the seniors and before reporting EOY SIMS and SCS:
Confirm all seniors have Final Grades
Reports you can run to find missing final grades:
Permanent Record Label – This report will show you a snapshot of each student, their courses, and final grades. Look for blank Final Grades and 0.00 Credits.
Go to Grading System > Reports – Grading > Permanent Rec Label
Set Grade Levels = 12
Set Final Grade Only = Yes

Grade Verification Report – This reports shows you by course the Grade 12 students Final Grades for each course that the teacher has submitted grades for. To confirm Final Grades are in for all Term, Semester and Full Year courses, be sure to select all Terms and each Term’s Final Grade under Grade Headings. Sorting by Couse ID may help group senior courses together. Look for blank Final Grades.
Go to Grading System > Reports - Grading > Grade Verification
Set Teacher = All Teachers
Set Term = Select ALL Terms (Q1, Q2,Q3 AND Q4)
Set Grade Heading = Select Final Grade code below EVERY Term
Set Grade Level = 12

Run Honor Roll for seniors
Run for the last term – Seniors will be the only students included at this time since they are the only students with Q4 grades entered.
Reports – Grading > Honor Roll > Select Term & Grade Heading for last Term (Q4 or T3), Calculate Honor Roll = Yes
Run GPA for seniors
Averaging & GPA > GPA Calculation > Select Grade 12, Select Grade Scale (run for each grade scale used), and Set Final Grade Only = Yes
Run Transcripts for seniors
Reports – Grading > Transcripts > Select Grade 12; leave the default settings of Grade Heading = None and Include All Current Courses = No
Clear Lockers for seniors – To free up lockers for the new incoming students for next year you have to remove the locker assignment from all the seniors.
Go to Administration > End of Year Procedures > Clear Student Data > Select Grade 12, Check off Lockers, and Submit.
Helpful Hint! Prior to clearing the Lockers, run a Locker Report for Grade 12 (Enroll Status = All) to get a list of locker numbers that will be available for incoming students.
Update MA DOE graduate codes with the appropriate code:
DOE033 – Post Graduate Plan
DOE037 – Graduated - Completed Mass Core Curriculum
Voc/Tech Schools: DOE031 – Technical Competency Attainment
Helpful Hint! You can use DOE ID Manager > Mass Update to update every Grade 12 students with a default code and then adjust individual students as needed.
If you use iHealth: Run iHealth reports for Grade 12 (ie. Illness Report). Reports with no selection for Enrollment Status will only include Enrolled students. Once students have a "Graduated" enrollment record they will no longer appear on these reports.
Graduate the seniors – Step-by Step instructions on how to graduate the seniors can be found in iPass Help > Administration > Help > EOY Procedures Help (Page 25). Be sure to use the actual date of graduation. This date will print on the transcript.
Consult with your DESE Representative on how to code students that will receive a Certificate of Attainment.