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ANNOUNCEMENT: iPass Support will be moving to a new ticket system beginning January 2, 2019 Harris School Solutions is moving to a new and improved support ticket system from TeamSupport. Beginning in January 2019 we will discontinue using the current Harris eSupport ticket system and Harris Call Center (866#). The preferred method for iPass support will be for users to log directly into the new iPass Support Hub where users will be able to submit new tickets, review/update existing tickets, access the iPass Knowledgebase, and access the new iPass Community forum. We will also make available a new iPass-specific support email address. This method will allow users to create and update tickets directly through email. During the week of December 27th iPass Support will send an email to all active support ticket users with a link for the new iPass Support Hub, a new iPass-specific email address, and a link to the iPass Support Hub Guide. December Users Group: Preview of new iPass Support Hub. WebEx recording available in iPass Help > User Group Meetings. Link: http://www.imgsoftware.com/kb/entry/1137/
From now until the December 31, 2018 please continue to use the following methods to submit support issues. There are three ways you can enter a support call request. The fastest and most complete way to enter a support call is for you to enter the call using our online eSupport site at http://support.harriscomputer.com. Using the online support system allows our support department to see your call immediately and allows for the quickest turnaround time. The second way you can enter a support call is to email your question along with any pertinent information to support@harriscomputer.com. Harris call center personnel will take your email information and log a call on your behalf. The turnaround time using this email method is a little slower than logging the call yourself using our online eSupport system. The third way you can enter a support call is to call the 866-450-6696 toll-free number and choose option 1. Harris call center personnel will take down your information and log the call on your behalf. If you use this method, please be sure to mention the product name, iPASS, so the call will be directed to our iPASS support staff. Calling the toll-free number is the least preferred method as information that is verbally conveyed can be incomplete or inaccurate when translated into a written message. When logging a new call into the eSupport system you must first select the Software Package: Tech – iPASS, Student – iPASS or iAutoAlert – iPASS. This will place the support call in to the appropriate call queue for action by our support department. (Descriptions and priority levels provided attachment below) In order for a support representative to begin problem resolution in a timely manner we ask that as much detail as possible be entered into the initial support call description. This will cut down or eliminate time spent tracking down the information needed to duplicate the problem. Please refer to the attached Harris eSupport Quick Reference Guide below for more information on how to determine your call type, set the priority and include the details we need to begin resolving your issue.