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How do I adjust a Term 1-only course for a student who transferred to another course before October 1?

Article ID: 684
Last updated: 05 Nov, 2015
Views: 0

The DOE does not require you to report courses the student was scheduled into prior to October 1 but some districts want to keep track of the movement between courses. A student will be identified as Withdrawn in the SCS report only if the student’s course schedule is adjusted to remove terms. If the student transferred out of the course during the only term the course is offered (ie. Q1), then a W grade will have to be entered in the Final Grade to report them as withdrawn.

NOTE:  SCS validates on the Subject Area Course code. The DOE does not require you to keep the original course a student dropped if it has the same Subject Area Course code for End of Year SCS reporting. This applies to students that move from one section to another in the same course, whether they change teachers or not. Note that any term or progress report grades given must be moved to the new course section before deleting the dropped course section. Just be aware that if the student changes teachers, moving the grade to the new course section will mean the grade is no longer associated with the teacher who gave the grade.

Also listed in
folder Scheduling -> FAQ
folder DOE ID Manager -> Help -> SCS (MA)

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