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How do I set the SchoolFocus SIF element for schools that report students attending a different school?

Article ID: 897
Last updated: 18 Oct, 2016
Views: 0

The DESE has added a new SchoolFocus element to SIF that should be set to “Scheduling” to indicate a particular school is reporting students that attend a different school. These students include Services Only and Out Placement students where the School ID field populated in the student’s enrollment record.  Go to Administration > School Resources > (select school) > Set School Focus = Scheduling. Submit to update. After this is done for each school, send SIF Objects for “SchoolInfo" for the entire district to update the data at the DESE. Click here to learn more about how to send SIF Objects.

Also listed in
folder SIF -> FAQ
folder DOE ID Manager -> Help -> SIMS (MA)

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