Massachusetts and Pennsylvania Sync Version Only.
iStudent and iParent Security Vulnerability.
Hexadecimal numbers are no longer used in URLs or in inspect element for photos and View buttons. New "token" numbers are generated and are randomized and associated with the user's login session. They are unique to the session and provide a mechanism for hiding the calling parameter details (including things like database Hexadecimal ROWIDS) from the browser. If these token numbers are changed a blank screen will appear or the screen will refresh back to the user’s session.
iPads and iPhones can now open PDF published documents in iStudent, iParent and iPass.
Alerts are now showing properly in Gradebook.
Add/Modify Competency Grades Screen showing (None) under Grade boxes will now show AVG and you can click on AVG to see the average from the Gradebook of assignments that has been linked to the competency/task you are grading.
In iTeacher > Standard Test Entry > the drop down list in the SELECT A TEST box will now sort in Alpha order.
Locker combinations now display on iParent View Schedule and Schedule Rotations screens when Show Student locker combo is checked off in iParent Configuration.
Gradebook Student Bio Button is no longer displaying a blank screen