Patch Release Notes - 7.0.20161104_sync
Article ID: 904
Last updated: 07 Nov, 2016
Views: 0
SIF 2.7 > StaffAssignment Object > ["MAStaffActualAttendance"] > will now report correctly for staff members on leave.
SIF 2.7 >EmploymentRecord Object > will no longer reflect incorrect LEAINFO REFID for staff members.
SIF 2.7 > StaffPersonal Object > will no longer report extended elements if they are null/blank.
SIF 2.7 > StudentSectionEnrollment > will now reflect the correct dates when students enroll after the start of school.
SIF 2.7 > iStaff > MA DOE EPIMS page > WA07 Job Classification field > will now reflect changes made on the Edit EPIMS Work Assignment page.
SIF 2.7 > StaffSectionAssignment > MATeachingAssignment > will no longer reflect values of “000†for specific contributing professionals.
SIF Reporting > SCS > StudentSectionEnrollment > will no longer send data for the district if a specific school is selected.
SIF > StaffSectionAssignment > additional changes were made to accommodate Contributing Professional not assigned to a specific course-section.