Course Schedule Query - Up to 4 Teachers

This query will provide a report includes Course ID, Course Name, Course Section, Term, Day, Period, and up to 4 Teacher Names for each course section.

If there is a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Teacher scheduled to the course section they will be listed in the report. Otherwise the field will be left empty.

This query is helpful for EPIMS state reporting to find course sections that have multiple teachers scheduled.

* When executing this query be sure to use your district's specific Term codes. Example: T1 instead of Q1.

Title Name Course Sec Term Day Period Teacher 2nd Teacher 3rd Teacher 4th Teacher
M1011 Algebra 1 02 Q1 A 2 Mr. John Smith Mr. Paul Brown

Article ID: 1029
Last updated: 26 Sep, 2018
My Queries -> Query Files for Download -> Course Schedule Query - Up to 4 Teachers