Teachers Extra Security Options Query

This query report can help you find which teachers have Extra Security Options selected in their user account.

The resulting report gives a list of Active Teachers (User Type) and the Extra Security Option(s) assigned to them in their user account.

** Directions on how to download a query from iPass Help and import into your iPass account can be found in iPass Help > My Queries > Help > How do I import a query file into my iPass database?


Last Name First Name User Id Description Active Mnemonic
AM Staff autotech Teacher yes TCHVIEWALL
(Last Name) (First Name) (User ID) Teacher yes TCHVIEWALL
(Last Name) (First Name) (User ID) Teacher yes VIEWSTUONFIND

Article ID: 1121
Last updated: 09 Oct, 2018
My Queries -> Query Files for Download -> Teachers Extra Security Options Query