Webex - iPass User Group Meeting (May 8, 2019) - EOY Workshops & Graduating Seniors

User Group Meeting - May 8, 2019

Below please find the link to the webex recording for the May 2019 User Group Meeting.

News & Updates:

Featured Topic: Graduating Seniors

Click here to view the recording >> DOWNLOAD RECORDING

The recording is stored in Google Drive.

NOTE: Click on the iPass User Group Meeting file to download. A message will tell you there is No preview available. Click Download. The file exceeds the maximum file size that Google can scan for viruses so you will need to click “Download Anyway.” You can Open the file after download or you can Save File. Due to the size of the file it will take some time to download. Let is complete before trying to view.

** It is recommended that you Download the file prior to viewing. **

Article ID: 1195
Last updated: 10 May, 2019
User Group Meetings -> Webex - iPass User Group Meeting (May 8, 2019) - EOY Workshops & Graduating Seniors