How do I import a query file into my iPass database?

In order to Import a Query you must save the .d file from the Resource Center first. To save from the Resource Center, right click on the file name in the attachment and select "Save Target As". Leave the file name and extension as is with the .d extension. Then to to DOE ID Manager and upload the query file that you have saved to your computer. This can be done by clicking on . Here you will be able to Browse for the file saved on a Disk or your Hard Drive.
  1. Go to DOE ID Manager> Import/Export>Click the FILE UPLOAD button 
  1. Browse for your saved query file. Helpful Hint! Copy the file name including the .d extension before uploading.
  1. Go to My Data> My Queries > ADD and then click on Import MyQuery From Export File
  1. Enter a New Query Name, i.e. “Approved Guardians”
  1. Enter a Description for the Query, i.e., “Guardians that have been approved for iParent”
  1. Replace the example "myquery.d" with the file name exactly as it was uploaded in Step 1. Helpful Hint! If you copied the file name, simply paste it in this field. Make sure to include the .d extension. This field is case sensitive and requires that the extension be added. Example: /appl/tmp/Approved_Guardians.d
  1. Click on the SUBMIT button.
  1. The Query will now be available in My Data > My Queries for you to Execute.

Queries can be shared with other users in your district. Click on Share, search for the user to share it with, check off their name and Submit. If you want to give them the ability to Update and Share the query, go to Share again, look for their name, check off the additional privileges and Submit.

Article ID: 256
Last updated: 19 Sep, 2018
My Queries -> Help -> How do I import a query file into my iPass database?