How do I import my Staff Evaluation and Staff Attendance data into iPASS for EPIMS EOY reporting?

Use the Staff Data Import to import Staff Evaluation and Staff Attendance data for the EPIMS Staff Roster file. The import file MUST contain the required 6 identifying fields and they must match 100% to the data in the iStaff database. In order to import any data into iStaff the Employee ID, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, DOB and Gender must be the same in both iStaff and the file you want to import. All 6 fields must match 100% to insure that the teacher, person and user records are linked together and updated properly.

Helpful Hint! Create a Staff Data Export with the 6 identifying fields and use it to create a spreadsheet with additional columns for the Staff Evaluation fields (SR28-SR35) and Attendance fields (SR36-SR37) fields. This will mean your import file will contain the 6 identifying fields that
match 100%.

The Evaluation Data to be imported should be the format of the 2-digit Rating value (05-20, 99). The import will populate the SR29-SR33 "Evaluation Rating" fields found on the iStaff > DOE Evaluation screen.

Note: The "Evaluation Scale" fields are NOT used and will not be updated by the import. There are plans to remove the fields for the upcoming school year.

Article ID: 600
Last updated: 11 Jul, 2017
DOE ID Manager -> FAQ -> How do I import my Staff Evaluation and Staff Attendance data into iPASS for EPIMS EOY reporting?