This query provides a list of Published Document Recipients and whether the document has been viewed. A date range can be specified to filter which documents are listed.
The Published_Documents_by_Date_Range query report includes:
File Name of Published document
Publish Date
User ID of Recipient
Viewed - Yes/No
Last Used - Last time the document was viewed
Last Name of Recipient
First Name of Recipient
Description - Type of Recipient (ie Student or Parent)
Total Downloads - Total number of times the document was opened for viewing
Student ID
Student Last Name
Student First Name
When you Execute the query you enter the date range for the published document(s) you want to view.

** NOTE: Directions on how to import this to your site can be found in iPASS Help > My Queries > Help > How do I import a query file into my iPass database?
Other queries available for download:
Published_Documents_with_User - Same as the above report but with no date range filter. This report will include all published documents.
Published_Documents_Listed - List of Published Document Label, Document Comments, File Name, Publish Date, Total Downloads, and User ID of the person that published the report.